The road trip everybody wants to take
- Length: 7 days
- 4300km/2700mi driven🚘
- Money Spent:
- Car:
- Gas:
- Food: ? bought simple food every day
- Airbnb: $980
Day 1: Yosemite National Park from Mill Valley 🚘

We only stopped at the viewpoints at Tunnel view and Yosemite Falls, because we had little time for a lot of things and I wanted to be able to show as much places to my family as possible, because they visited me from Hungary for 2 weeks.

The Grizzly Giant is a giant sequoia in Mariposa Grove, located in Yosemite National Park. It is the 25th largest giant sequoia living today. It’s height is 63.7 m🌲
DAY2: Death Valley

After a looong drive from Sierra National Forest we finally arrived to the fabulous Death Valley! It was really special to me because I’ve never been to a desert before.
They had signs saying it is not advisable to be outside after 10 AM because of the heat! Well, we arrived around 2pm…BUT, have a LOT of water with you, cover your head if possible with hats, wet shirts, because it can be 45C/ 113F
Next Stop: Devil’s Golf Course
DON’T MISS THIS!!! You will feel something you have never felt before, it is truly magical!
“The salt in the Devil’s Golf Course consists of the minerals that were dissolved in the lake’s water and left behind in the Badwater Basin when the lake evaporated.” For me it was breathtaking, I just loved walking on that white salt, it felt like being in the middle of nowhere.

DAY3: Las Vegas

We spent the day and night in Las Vegas!🎰🎲 Honestly as not a party person, it was fun for one day. Actually my dad won like $30 on a ‘one-armed bandit’ which was pretty awesome for the first time being in a Casino! 🤙🏽
But what we really had to visit, was this:

DAY4: Zion National Park
We were lucky that the weather was really nice for the whole roadtrip!!! The day we spent in Zion was really quite and nice, we walked a lot on easy trails (to Emerald pools) and we enjoyed the view. I suggest you to do more and longer hikes if you wish/can/able to, because it worth it!!! But my family never hikes so we always just walked around!

Day 5: Bryce Canyon & Antelope Canyon
We arrived to Bryce Canyon to the realllly coold weather. It was snowing a little bit and was super windy so walking around was not much fun but I loved it!!! It was unbelievably beautiful.
If you can, definitely hike down to the bottom of the canyon, I bet looking up is wonderful but here is what you can see from the top!!! :
Antelope Canyon: You have to book the ticket online in advance!!!
Once you get there, the Navajo nation will take over everything. You have to park your car, you will get on their JEEPs and they’ll take you to the canyon, and give you a full tour. There will be 10-15 person in your group, but they will only let 1 person go so you can take pictures without anyone being in it. It’s really cool and organized, but well, you payed a lot for it!!!
Day 6: Glen Canyon & Horseshoe Bend
The view was astonishing, I was just standing there for minutes staring at it and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Be careful, there might be a lot of people, everybody is trying to take pictures without anyone being in it, so they go too close to the edge, don’t be the one who does that, not worth it!
If you can afford, take some kayaking or boat tour on the water!
Day 7: Grand Canyon
As people say, it’s like a painting! We took the red line bus going up to the top and got off at all stops but it looked the same from everywhere 😂
Check out the bus lines on their website and take some time to decide, which one would be the best for you to take!
After all those beautiful things we had seen before this, Grand Canyon didn’t get in the top3 list. But of course I am super blessed my family and I got to visit it, and all the other places while they stayed here! 🙏🏽😍
We visited the Hoover Dam and headed back home to San Francisco.

Checkout my youtube video!
and I hope you enjoyed my story and/or I could help you decide what to do on your trip! You are always welcome to DM me on Instagram and I’m happy to answer any of your questions!
Safe travels! @FruMyLens
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed the pictures, feel free to contact me if you are planning on going to these places! Please leave a comment below if you liked the article or have any questions.