18 hours layover in Taipei money spent: 4000 Taiwan Dollars = 10.000 HUF Zhongzheng districtDatong districtHsiahai City God Temple Yanping Riverside Park Tea shop at Dihua streetXinyi District
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Utazási Tanácsadás
Rólam 26 éves vagyok. 2018-ban érettségi után 19 évesen útra keltem egy program által Amerikába ahol több mint 2 évet töltöttem el. Ez idő alatt 11 államban jártam, ezen kívűl Mexikóban és Kanadában is, mindezt egyedül. Láttam az északi sarkfényt Alaszkában, rájákkal úszkáltam Mexikóban, és teknősökkel Hawaiin. Miután hazajöttem, is folytattam az utazgatást, dolgoztam NorvégiábanContinue reading „Utazási Tanácsadás”
3 months in New Zealand
How it started, VISA, flights, getting an accommodation, job Weekend trips Roadtrip from the north to the south island 2023. 02. 01 – 03. 07.
Weekend trips in New Zealand- North Island
Sky tower: Te Henga, Bethells Beach: Hunua falls: Matakatia bay: Clevedon: Maraetai beach: Waiau falls: Cathedral cove: Karekare falls: Kitekite falls: Piha beach: Local market:
How I traveled to New Zealand
It’s a funny story to me because I did NOT expect to get the visa, I just applied for it on one of my bad days… But since I got it I couldn’t NOT live with the opportunity, right? I started looking at flight tickets, jobs, opportunities, places to see, people to talk to… andContinue reading „How I traveled to New Zealand”
weekend trip in Greece
3 days in Thessaloniki + a bus tour to the Meteora I wanted a quick getaway with my sister so chose the cheapest plane tickets w.hich was to Greece. Booked an airbnb and spent 3 nights in Thessaloniki, and also booked a bus tour to the famous Meteora rock formations. The Umbrellas by Zongolopoulos: ThessalonikiContinue reading „weekend trip in Greece”
Day trips in Norway
Hikes in Sandsoya island Just a picnic in Sylte A day trip to Bjorkedal Day trip to Hoddevik beach Another day at Bjorkedal
The ultimate 11 days in Madeira
YOUTUBE VIDEO INSTAGRAM: @FruMyLensTIKTOK: @FruMyLens Length: 11 days, supposed to be 12 2022. June 20- July 2 I went to Madeira with my family including my grandparents, so it was 7 people altogether. Therefore we rented 2 cars and we stayed in a gorgeous hotel called Golden Residence in Funchal. The view from the hotel:Continue reading „The ultimate 11 days in Madeira”
Money spent: around $2450/ 2 person (900.000 HUF) YOUTUBE VIDEO INSTAGRAM: @FruMyLensTIKTOK: @FruMyLens Iceland has been the best trip I have ever had so far in Europe! It’s magical and unbelievable. It’s full of waterfalls, beaches, mountains and northern lights! There is no day with boredom. (see more pics of the aurora at the bottomContinue reading „Iceland”
How I became a musher for 3 months
It all started in the summer of 2021, when I started to think about places to go to and things to do from September. I went on the Workaway website every single day, sent letters to hundreds of hosts in different countries. I really wanted to go back to California, but the borders weren’t openContinue reading „How I became a musher for 3 months”