
How I traveled so much

Yes, I only traveled from the AuPair money. 🙂

This isn’t even a lot of traveling. There are so many AuPairs who traveled 2x as much as me. I spent soooo much money on clothes/shoes and electronics. Next time I’ll be smarter! 🙂

I visited 11 states and Canada and Mexico as well.

A lot of people say this money isn’t enough. It is. As you see! 🙂 You get accommodation, food, car (for local use) from the family. So all the money you get is yours and can spend it on whatever you want! Also, once you are in the states, traveling from one to another is really easy and cheap most of the time.

Click on this link and you will find all my trips I did while I was an AuPair.

I had like $300 that I took with me to the States but you only need something to spend in your first week while you are in the training school in New York, because as soon as you get to your host family, they’ll pay you.

I love traveling alone. Traveling solo makes me really happy, you can concentrate on yourself and relax. It was hard for me to find someone who likes to do the same things as me because I hike a lot, I do not drink and party, I go to bed at 10 and wake up for sunrises. So I said I’d rather pay more for places to stay/car and gas and I can do whatever I want, than to be with someone who can ruin my trip. I of course traveled with friends and luckily all of them were awesome!!!

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