My relationship with the family

My relationship with the host family

I think I had the best relationship with my host family I could ever ask for. 

I reaaally suggest you to spend as much time finding the perfect family as you can, believe me there’s gonna be one where you feel the chemistry with.  And then spend a lot of time getting to know them before you go! 

I talked to 20 families and after I matched with THE ONE, I had 5months to get to know them! I literally kept texting back and forth with the mom like with a good friend. I loved it!!! We sent packages to each other once and by the time I got there we already knew and loved each other! The kids and I had a really strong relationship from the beginning.

Communication is key! 

There are gonna be a lot of differences in the way you live, habits, houserules, everything. You gotta talk about it all the time. 

You probably grew up in a really different way than they did and their way of bringing up the children might be super different as well. And it’s gonna be hard to accept. If anything comes up that you do in a different way, just talk about it and try to find a solution! 

I had an amazing relationship with all of them and their family and friends. I really liked hanging out with everybody even when I wasn’t on the clock. We treated each other as family members and it truly makes your stay the best! 

I always went skiing with them which was super fun to see the little kids ski better than the adults, they are really good! 

All aupairs have different kind of relationship with the family, some are good and close some are not, which is fine if both of you want the same. 

Most AuPairs have the same rules about getting home in time, taking the car, etcetc.
Getting home in time is obviously important during the week because you are responsible for the kids, you have to be ready physically and mentally. About the car, it depends on where you live and on the family. Most of the time they will let you use it around the area, but won’t be able to take it far away.

Keep asking questions so I know what you guys would like to know about!!!

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