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Kategória tár:AuPair Program
Au Pair program- REMATCH
I get a lot of questions about what happens if you don’t like the family, you have to go home? No, you don’t! 🙂 So first of all that is why I mention everywhere that the matching process is really important and take your time finding the perfect family. No one wants to go throughContinue reading „Au Pair program- REMATCH”
Au Pair program
Being an AuPair in California with Cultural Care, was the best experience ever I signed up to the program in the beginning of last year of high school, when everybody else was thinking about going to uni. I ended up staying in California for 2 years, I have a beautiful second family whom I missContinue reading „Au Pair program”
My relationship with the family
I think I had the best relationship with my host family I could ever ask for. I reaaally suggest you to spend as much time finding the perfect family as you can, believe me there’s gonna be one where you feel the chemistry with. And then spend a lot of time getting to know themContinue reading „My relationship with the family”
Yes, I only traveled from the AuPair money. 🙂 This isn’t even a lot of traveling. There are so many AuPairs who traveled 2x as much as me. I spent soooo much money on clothes/shoes and electronics. Next time I’ll be smarter! 🙂 I visited 11 states and Canada and Mexico as well. A lotContinue reading „Traveling”
Making new friends
Is it hard to make friends? Definitely not. You will have sooo many AuPairs around you that you will barely be able to find some alone time. The most fun fact is that these are people from ALL OVER THE WORLD. Not all of them are AuPairs. I have American friends or people who live/workContinue reading „Making new friends”
I wasn’t homesick. But because I had a perfect host family who immediately became my second family. Usually AuPairs experience homesickness in their 2nd or 3rd month. It is because the beginning is always really exciting, everything is new and then, when you settled down and have a schedule, you realize that you are aloneContinue reading „Homesickness”